
The currency of the kingdom of God is love. This love is manifested in so many different ways – grace, kindness, compassion, hope, promise –to name but a few.

It is a love that God has deeply and richly invested in us. A love that is tangible and applicable. Most importantly it is a love that we must relationally invest into the lives of those we share this planet with.

Love is the eternal treasure. Love is the currency through which God’s kingdom economy moves.

Kingdom Currency is the theological equivalent to “Paying it Forward”.

Since before we were born, while we were still sinners, and as we continue to work out our salvation, in a variety of forms God has shown his love to us.

This love has manifested itself in compassion, provision, protection, forgiveness, salvation, sonship, and in many other ways. As we receive this love, our spiritual bank account becomes full.

As God cares for us we receive his love
As God provides for us we receive his love
As God saves us, we receive God’s love

With each act of mercy towards us, God makes a deposit of his Kingdom Currency within us. Our job as stewards is to take this unending commodity of love and invest in the place where it will give us the best eternal interest and that is it in the lives of the things that are eternal – People!

We are given this kingdom currency, not just to enjoy, but to invest. Scripture tells us that it is imperative that we invest this currency wisely and lavishly.

The goal of this web site is encourage us to invest the love that we have been given by Jesus into others. Currently, as we flesh out this concept together, the primary mode for this is a blog where I hope to share my reflections on how we can invest God’s investment in us into the lives of others in very practical ways.

Please feel free to share and shape these thoughts.

Email Pastor Andy